【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】


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序文:〈譯文:慢四步翻譯序文 撒花 鼓掌〉






2015年前半(1月到9月),時不時的會經歷下物價和利率水準的謠傳,恐慌和動盪;然後從2015年10月直到2017年12月,這一動盪局勢將全面爆發——通常情況,這一形勢(土星與海王星相刑)將引發通脹飆升,但這次或許會引起通貨緊縮。如果你是投資人或者經商者, 留心線索,看這一趨勢到底行將何方。首先,如果是通脹,這將被視為擴張式經濟的副作用。(因此,它將迅速轉變為滯漲,要小心啊。)如果是通縮,那麼在13年12月到14年3月間就會初現端倪,不過他們可能會顯示出一種溫和式的經濟模式——要透過淺表,直視真相:那些去除了通脹/通縮因素外的經濟資料,等等等等...

大白羊們,這是你「探索深度」的最後一周啦——關於改變、關於經濟、性及健康的發展。你已經知曉秘密;週四,理解也開始順溜了。老闆及當權派仍保持開放,會非常歡喜儂。工作也仍然辛苦。這二者合在一起就會帶來升職,會是現在或1月份。 周日以收入及花銷為重點——僅買些生活用品。 週一、週二充斥著交流、談話、郵件、書面工作、跑腿、短途旅行及巧遇熟人。大多數情況都不錯,只是小心週二一早:避免摩擦、草率的言語及行為。 週三、週四重點在家庭、家及安全感。週三可能有劇變或衝突,週四則會遇到愛及好運。 週五下午、週六,浪漫、快樂及創造的渴望點亮你的情緒。講心底話,好運會伴你左右! 週四晚開始為期一個月關於知識、旅行、學習及高雅文化的時期。




處女座——不太渴望溝通〈譯者 :shallow 青椒〉
星期日醇香而明智,但不大會有神馬具體結果。如果你要行動,放在早晨7點前(太平洋時間)。 星期一,雄心勃勃(星期二亦是如此,儘管今天(譯注:週二)的行動/事件不會產生多少結果)。 星期三,樂觀、實現願望、受歡迎、社交、輕鬆調情及娛樂出現(注意,這個夜晚不要做承諾)。 星期四(輝煌、追求一些東西、計畫一些事情!–某個關於財產的願望可能成真!)。
星期五晚上、星期六,你將變得疲倦–退思、休息、沉思和計畫。 星期四晚上開啟為期一個月關於家庭計畫、康復、家庭的溫暖、園藝、安全感和退休話題的時期。現在到3月,你的浪漫、創造力、尋歡作樂的一面會長久、甜蜜而天意十足。

直到3月份,你的家中都充斥著支援、深情及治癒的氣息。你可能決定完全擺脫目前/過去的態度、偽裝或方法,開始創建全新的人格、靈魂及生活方式。無論你全做還是只做一部分,這都是個好主意。(接下來10年,你會有很多機會來揚名立萬、鳳凰涅槃,但是,現在到2014年三月是其中比較好的時期——尤其是如果你在12月6日前開啟這些行動的話。很多行為將作為新開始的標識。可以是自我承諾不再對別人講善意謊言這樣的小事,也可以是改變鄰居、開發新收入來源這樣的大事。無論以何為開始,目的及結果都是全新的自我。) 週四,以「錢」為重點的一個月就要結束了,隨之開啟的是關於跑腿、旅行、交流及友誼的一個月。




之前那種充滿思考和領悟的過程在本週四將會結束,取而代之的是未來幾周的雄心壯志!你在職場方面將名聲大震,全線飄紅。在未來的幾個月內(直到明年三月),你的人氣都會持續走高,就連和情侶間的浪漫都會伴隨著甜蜜。(如果小雙魚們尚處單身,那麼多多參與小組活動,聚會,政治團體活動什麼的,會有好機會哦) 而且到明年三月,你有關旅行,買車,投資,借貸,和情人的親密互動這些願望,都有可能夢想成真。但是提醒雙魚朋友們,在經濟來往和情侶親密關係這一部分,要小心別衝動。 你會有一個忙碌的周天(17號那天),可能會開始一場觀光旅遊。週一和週二,你會從事和家庭,財產,安全,園藝,或者退休等有關的事物,不過週一進展會比較順利,週二可能會漏掉遺忘什麼。週三:激情,浪漫和創意蜂擁而至,你很想冒點險去做點什麼,但是我建議你最好週四再開始。週五會有比較瑣碎的工作,週六也是。但還好總體說的過去。

ARIES March 21-April 19
This is your last week of “exploring the depths,” Aries – of changes, of financial, sexual and health developments. You’ve seen the secrets; now understanding comes (Thursday onward). Bosses and authorities remain approachable, will favour you. Work remains hard, also. The two together could bring a promotion, now or in January. Sunday features earnings and spending – buy only routine items. Communications, talk, emails, paperwork, errands, trips and casual acquaintances fill Monday/Tuesday. Most flows well here, but watch Tuesday morning: friction, hasty words/actions should be avoided. Focus on home, family, security Wednesday/Thursday. Upheavals or conflict Wed., love, good luck Thurs. Romance, pleasure, creative urges lift you up emotionally Friday afternoon, Saturday. Speak your heart, for good luck accompanies you! Thursday night begins a month of understanding, travel, learning, and “high culture.”

TAURUS April 20-May 20
If you have a deal pending, try to shake, sign or somehow agree by Thursday. After this, life and links turn deeper, more private – it will be time to work on or fulfill the agreements or opportunities already grasped. Travel, legal affairs, love, learning, social rituals, cultural venues – these are favoured right into next March. (If you’re unemployed, these are a splendid four months to take a training course. College students will have a great winter – academically and otherwise!) Your energy and charisma shine Sunday, though there’s little of importance to do. Chase money and more clients, buy/sell, organize possessions Monday (best) and Tuesday. Errands, talk, travel fill Wednesday (caution – others have differing agendas) and Thursday (charge ahead, luck rides with you). Head for home Friday eve, Saturday. All’s well. Thursday begins a month of secrets, research, lust, subconscious promptings, and “large finances.”

GEMINI May 21-June 20
At last, a month of work, drudgery, health irritations and lack of love – ends, Thursday. Until then, tackle all chores, buy needed supplies, pay for machinery or repairs, ensure the welfare of your dependents. Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday. Your energy and charisma rise Sunday night through Tuesday. Monday’s best – charge ahead, start projects, call elusive service personnel. Chase money, seek new clients, buy/sell Wednesday (caution this night) Thursday (charge ahead – great luck, you could spark/find/create a new income source) and Friday (a benevolent dud). Errands, talk, travel and casual friends Friday eve, Saturday – plow ahead, but DON’T invest nor make promises. Your financial and sexual luck remains good, productive, gratifying (and mostly affectionate) now to next March. Take advantage now into early December. You’ll locate a golden key! Thursday begins a month of heightened relationships.

CANCER June 21-July 22
Your winning streak continues: romance, creative surges, speculative interests, sports, games and charming kids continue to bless you into Thursday – this evening begins a month of work and health matters. Sunday has few solid outcomes, but it’s fun, happy, hopeful – enjoy! Retreat this eve (you’re a bit unfocused anyway) to Tuesday – rest, contemplate, plan, be charitable, spiritual. Your energy and charisma soar Wednesday to midday Friday: start big, significant things, assert yourself in love situations, tackle chores that previously intimidated you – or just bask in the spotlight! But think before you act Wednesday (pm) – do you want to alienate or spurn someone? Thursday could bring a late success in love. Chase money, but risk little, Friday eve, Saturday. To next March, others treat you with affection, grace, a welcoming vibe.

LEO July 23-Aug. 22
Maintain a restful approach until Friday, Leo. Recuperate, nap, eat well, take care of family, property. You might feel ambitious Sunday, and/or others treat you with deference – but there’s nothing to be accomplished. Your hopes and popularity rise this night to Tuesday – flirtation, entertainment, social joys will visit you, but only lightly, as part of you hasn’t finished “resting.” By Wednesday to Friday afternoon, your rest deepens, becomes complete: be spiritual, charitable. Contemplate and plan. Your energy and charisma surge upward Friday eve and Saturday – start something significant (NOT in work, health zones—these areas will succeed on their own anyway in the months ahead). Get out, see people, bask in the limelight. Give romance a wink and a nod. Thursday night begins a month of romance, creativity, beauty, pleasure, joy in children, speculation – you’ll ride a winning streak!

VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Send any last minute mail, emails – catch up on all correspondence, for you won’t be so eager to communicate from this Friday into later December – in fact, you’ll grow unusually private. Sunday’s mellow, wise, but without much solid result. If you’re going to act, do so before 7 am (PST). Be ambitious Monday (and Tuesday, though few results will accrue from this day’s actions/events). Optimism, wish fulfillment, popularity, social delights, light flirtation, entertainment arrive Wednesday (caution this night: commit to nothing) and Thursday (splendid, seek others, propose things! – a property wish might come true!). You’ll grow tired Friday eve, Saturday – retreat, rest, contemplate and plan. Thursday night begins a month of down-home projects, recuperation, family warmth, gardening, security and retirement issues. Now to March, your romantic, creative, pleasure-oriented side meets a long streak of sweet providence.

LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Until March, your home front is favoured, affectionate, healing. You might decide to completely shuck off your present/old attitude, or disguise, or approach, and begin building a new personality, soul, approach to life. This would be a good idea, whether you do it wholesale or in part. (There will be many “opportunities” to remake yourself, to rise again like a phoenix, over the next 10 years, but now to March 2014 is one of the better times – especially if you begin the process before December 6. Many activities can mark this new beginning. It can be as small as promising yourself to never tell another white lie, as big as changing your neighbourhood, or exploring a brand new income source. Whatever the beginning, the purpose and result will be a “new you.”) On Thursday, a “money month” ends, and a month of errands, travel, communications and friendship begins.

SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Your heightened energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness will aid you in doing any task, starting any project or relationship, at least until Thursday. Sunday’s for relationships and new horizons, though little outcome is likely. Just enjoy the company of others. Life’s depths, investments, debt, large finances, the urge to be intimate with someone, changes, commitments and consequences fill Sunday night (careful) Monday (success) and Tuesday (avoid commitment, significant action). A wise, mellow mood enters Wednesday to midday Friday. Wednesday night needs care (protect health, avoid inappropriate speech) but Thursday drips with good luck in travel, education, love and cultural involvements – charge ahead! Be ambitious Friday eve and Saturday – success indicated. Thursday begins a month of “strength” in earnings, buying/selling, finding new clients, etc. A “sensual friend” is coming.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Your weariness will end by Friday. Thursday night begins a month of empowerment, energy, clout, charisma and effectiveness. You’ll handle people and projects with dispatch. You should start important projects. A strong clue (the Moon conjuncts your planet Jupiter the exact minute the Sun enters your sign, Sag) hints that this month ahead will be connected to a sexual, health, financial or lifestyle change: things go deep, and you’ll operate on a deep level to somehow change or re-invigorate your life. Research, clues, hidden gems will figure prominently. So might a Gemini, who seems to hold these things in his/her hand, ready to reveal them. But all that starts Thursday night. Before then, tackle routine chores Sunday. Relationships fill Monday/Tuesday. Monday’s best: seek “creative co-operation” (or romance). Depths, health, Wednesday – be careful, eat wisely. A gentle, wise mood enters Friday afternoon, stays Saturday. Now to March, money problems ebb, income sweetens.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
A month of hopes and wishes, popularity and social delights, ends Thursday night – so enjoy while you can. Sunday’s romantic, pleasure-and-beauty-filled. (But you’ll have to rise early to get anything done.) Tackle chores Monday (best) and Tuesday (only routine tasks). Relationships fill your world Wednesday (careful – many pitfalls, unwanted endings, unintended slights) and Thursday (splendid success, partnership success, perhaps new love/excitement – chase all opportunities, even in business). Friday afternoon through Saturday brings depths, mysteries – pursue these, research, be a detective – but DON’T invest, contract debt, nor begin a sexual affair. Your charisma, personal grace radiate for a whole 4 months, to March. But Thursday night begins a month of retreat, solitude, rest and recuperation – seek spirit, be charitable.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
A month of pressure, of work duties and possible appearances before authorities or the boss, ends Thursday night. Work hard until then, except Sunday. Totally rest this day, as there is nothing worthwhile doing anyway. Your romantic, speculative, risk-taking and pleasure-seeking side, your creative and inventive urges and your joy from children – these rise Monday (good) and Tuesday (after a morning argument, not much concrete develops). Tackle chores Wednesday (carefully – observe safety rules, be polite, make no enemies) and Thursday (splendid – you get a lot done, might work overtime). Relationships, exciting meetings, fresh horizons and new opportunities arise Friday eve and Saturday. Realize that some career duties or reputational factors might prevent you from succeeding totally or long-run with someone you meet now – but you might as well enjoy the dance! Thursday night begins a month of popularity, social joys, wish fulfillment and flirtations.

PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
A thoughtful, understanding month will end Thursday night, to be replaced by a few weeks of ambition, prestige relations, and status concerns. Over the few months ahead (to March) your popularity will subtly rise, romance will proceed with sweet smoothness (if unattached and looking, head for group affairs, parties, political organizations, etc.). Also to March, wishes involving siblings, travel, a car or bike, investments, debt, intimacy and sex, will tend to come true. However, in the financial and sexual zones, beware a tendency to be impulsive. You’re restless Sunday; take a “sightseeing” trip. Home, family, property, security, gardening, retirement issues fill Monday (good, smooth progress) and Tuesday (elusive results). Passion, romance, creative surges and the urge to take risk arise Wednesday (DON’T risk) and Thursday (plunge in!). Friday eve brings chores, Saturday too. All’s well.

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